Friday, December 21, 2012

The Golden Tweets of 2012

Among the social networks, Twitter has a special place. As to send off 2012, recently Twitter has released a list of most popular Tweets of 2012. This report has been taken under the most number of generated re-tweets. And twitter has described these tweets as "Golden Tweets" of the year.

The Golden tweets of 2012.

01. "Four More Years" 
United States President Barack Obama's victory tweet "Four More Years" has got the most re-tweeted tweet of 2012. this tweet has crossed over 810,000+ re-tweets and 300,000+ favorites.

02. "RIP Avalanna. i love you"
Twitter has listed Justin Bieber's tweet "RIP Avalanna. i love you" next to Obama's tweet. This tweet has crossed over 220,000+ re-tweets and 100,000+ favorites.

Click here to check the complete list of Golden Tweets of 2012.


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