YouTube is the most famous video sharing website. We can find millions of videos in YouTube. Now it has released a mash-up video as "Rewind YouTube Style 2012". This video has been created with many biggest YouTube celebrities include Gangnam style famous PSY. This video has released for its annual look back at the current year[2012]. And YouTube says that,
"This year, we looked at views, shares, searches, parodies, remixes, and responses to identify the 10 videos that everybody was talking about in 2012."
This video has been created with Top 10 most popular YouTube personalities of 2012.
Click here to watch the Top Trending Videos of YouTube in 2012
Here the players of this "Rewind YouTube Style 2012" video.
Alpha Cat
Daily Grace
MysteryGuitarMan (Blue), DaveDays (Green) PyroBooby (Red)
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